- MellennialGeneration.com Putting the "me" in millennial, so you can make a difference.
- UnitedWeStand.com Where it all started...
- ParentsAreAwesome.com Parents Are Awesome, Let's Celebrate them
- B3ATS.comThe socially active mucically driven phenomenon.
- DoughMinion.com Not only do we provide the ingredients for success... we are the ingredients.
- Fifi.me Women's Activewear / fitness apparel.
- NorwalkEDU.comA Public-Private Education Association
- MOASBI.com Manufacturers Of America Small Business Initiative.
- 3toSix.com A public-private after school program that regionally augments the public education system.
- BuyBrandSell.com Collective domain name branding project.
- Socially.me Meaningful Change
- Z0mb1e.com Please devour internet content responsibly. Z0mb1e.com was a published KickStarter project.
- iFarmVille.com Active Modulare Indoor / Outdoor Produce
- NYMFSEX.com New York Micro-Finance Service Exchange
- OurDonation.com Planned giving family donation process
- ResearchPARC.com Participatory Adaptive Research Center
- VestedVillage.com A Public-Private Service Association
- AmericanPowered.com A educated approach to energy consumption.